About Us

Hotwired Studio was opened in 2008 by Joseph Ketche.

Beginning as a childhood hobby, Joseph began to sell his creations and toys to the local neighborhoods.

This laid the foundation for what would become Hotwired Studio - a showcase of  unique “Location-Ghetto” Art, crafted from recycled materials, wire and beads.

For the past ten years Hotwired Studio has been operating throughout South Africa from their premises in Ngwenya Village in Muldersdrift.

What sets Hotwired Studio apart is the personal touch and passion of the artist, Joseph Ketche, and his team. Through their art, they  bring colour and diversity  to any interior space – whether private or corporate. Hotwired Studio can make customised items, including Company Logos, Corporate Gifts, Interior decoration, and are known to work on site throughout South Africa, should the project require it.

Joseph Ketche is also known locally for his involvement with Community Improvement Projects. Through Hotwired Studio, training, skills and team building is provided to members of the community, empowering the people as artists and as individuals.

The art that has been created by Hotwired Studio is showcased in companies such as Nike SA, DSTV South Africa, Adcock Ingram, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, and Joseph is one of the few artists whose work is displayed in the Google South Africa Office.

His involvement in skills transfer and improvement is not limited by borders, and in 2017 Joseph was invited to work throughout Japan for 6 months by Japanese Artists who had studied Wire Art from him. Hotwired Studio also export their art globally.